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What we do
Simple end plate connections
Partial depth end plates
Full depth end plates
Column splices
Cover plate splices
End plate splices
Bearing type splices
Non-bearing type splices
Welded splices
Bracing connections
Gusset plates
End plates
Angle cleats
Hollow section (truss) joints
Uniplanar joints: T, Y, X
Uniplanar joints: K, N, KT
Multiplanar joints: TT, XX, KK
Moment end plate connections​
Haunched beams
Extended depth end plates
Full depth end plates
We assist structural steelwork companies and contractors with the design of a vast range of steel connections. These can be simple joints or complex moment connections.
Beam splices
End plate splices
Cover plate splices
Welded splices
Portal apex haunch
Angle cleat connections
Single angle web cleats
Double angle web cleats
Double flange cleats
Clip and seating angles
Welded moment connections
Full strength connections, butt welds / fillet welds
Column bases
Nominally pinned bases
Moment-resisting bases
Fin plates
Single fin plates
Double fin plates
In our connection design process, we utilise two different analysis methods: the finite element method, using specialised software; and the standard component method using our internal advanced spreadsheets. Each method allows us to independently asses the capacity of the whole joint or the most important components of connection to ensure that the design produced by each method is adequate and safe.
Finite Element Method (FEM):
Connected members and all parts of a connection: bolts, welds and plates are modelled in a dedicated software incorporating finite element analysis. We can analyse all types of connections ranging from simple to any complex, bespoke and non-standard joints in a fairly short period of time. All checks are performed in accordance to Eurocodes, namely: BS EN 1993-1-1:2005; BS EN 1993-1-5:2006; BS EN 1993-1-8:2005.
Component method with our in-house spreadsheets:
Connection design calculations are produced in accordance with the latest relevant standards and publications including: SCI P358 Publication and SCI P398 Publication. With this method we use self-prepared advanced spreadsheets which were created after a thorough study of all formulas and equations contained in a wide range of design standards, technical books, articles, publications as well as our own experience: ​
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006
BS EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 and BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011
NA to: BS EN 1993-1-1:2005, BS EN 1993-1-5:2006, BS EN 1993-1-8:2005
BS EN ISO 19902:2007
The American Institute of Steel Construction - Design Examples V14.2
The British Constructional Steelwork Association, Publication No. 41/05, Steel Details
The British Constructional Steelwork Association, Publication No. 52/10, NSSS 5th Edition
Connections in Steel Structures IV, V, VI, VII: Behaviour, Strength and Design, International conferences
The Steel Construction Institute Publications: P060, P102, P143, P148,P207/95, P212, P375, P391, P403
The Steel Construction Institute Advisory Desk Notes
Access Steel NCCI Publications
Owens, G. W., Cheal, B. D., Structural Steelwork Connections
Wald, F., Design of Structural Connections to Eurocode 3, FAQ
Modern Steel Construction, Steel Interchange articles
CIDECT, General series of design guides: Construction with Hollow Steel Sections
Please note this list is not exhaustive.
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